
Encarnita Polo

Anyone familiar with the site knows that Cha Cha Charming is full of gems. One of them, definitely, is the marvelous article on Spanish pop that alerted me to the existence of Encarnita Polo. She's wonderful. Recorded in the '60s and '70s, and apparently kicked off the flamenco-pop movement with her modernized cover of "Pepe Bandera" (streamable through RealPlayer here). What I have for you here, though, is "Paco Paco Paco," a single recorded in 1970. It's glittering with handclaps and melodic glee, has a giddy sing-song chorus and an awesome flamenco-inspired bridge. What, honestly, is not to love here?

Encarnita Polo

Todas Sus Grabaciones (1963-1975)
Paco Paco Paco

I apologize for (a) the 96 kbps bitrate, and (b) the fact that I needed to upload this through yousendit.com.


Original Prague Syncopated Orchestra, Original Victoria Band

Both the Original Prague Syncopated Orchestra and the Orginial Victoria Band are revival bands from Europe; the Czech Republic and Holland, respectively. I didn't have a great deal of luck finding much information on the OPSO, but from the sound of a 2000 article I gather that they were still playing shows in the Czech Republic at that time. My friend Cornelius happens to have been the piano player (and occasional tap dancer) in the OVB and I know from him they disbanded in 1999 after nearly 30 years. The infatuation these foreigners have for americana is really infectious and the recording quality makes it easier to believe you are hearing live music in a 1926 dance hall.

Original Prague Syncopated Orchestra

Collected Recordings (198?)

Original Victoria Band

Collected Recordings (1989)
Happy Feet